Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Chapter 1 - Ginny the Ginkgo

Moving Day ...and "She" Welcomes Us to Our New Home

That scorcher of a day in July 1999 would have been considered (by anyone’s standard) as a "less-than-perfect" day for moving.  It was barely mid-morning and the thermometer was already in the triple digits.  The thick air outside seemed eerily familiar to the atmospheric conditions found in the steam room at the local YMCA.  If there had been an option to choose any  another day to move our household... that option would have been fully explored. Alas, the month of July was quickly coming to a close and time was of the essence in the task of moving from one residence to another. There was simply no other day available for making this move. So, the ordeal began and within minutes the new homeowner was drenched in sweat as he hauled box after box in the tropical heat from moving van to house.   

Under ordinary circumstances, the main tree in our new back yard might have easily gone unnoticed but that tree whose shade nearly covered the entire route from the moving van to house provided a most welcome relief that day. The tree's canopy was so thick with fluttering green leaves that nary a sunbeam managed to filter down upon the back of the mover. Though that stately tree did not ... could not ... provide complete relief from the oppressive heat and humidity, its simple presence was welcomed and appreciated. Loaded with boxes of memories the laborer mused that maybe the Good Lord placed this tree… here  ... just for him.  Maybe the simple act of providing shade to this weary worker on this most miserable day was the sole mission of this mighty tree.

Trip after trip …tween van and house ... sheltered by the outstretched arms of God's creation ... the father of four and husband of one thanked God that day for the protection from the elements as he trudged through the necessary task at hand. A bond formed between man and tree that day. The laborer started the conversation by first thanking the tree for its presence.  The dialogue developed after the man thought he heard the majestic tree whisper, "Welcome to your new home, dear friend. My name is Ginny. I know that we are going to become close friends. Please sit at my feet and rest for a while.  There is so much of myself that I want to share with you. Listen, observe and learn.  ...Welcome."   And so, the dutiful disciple sat on the ground resting his back against Ginny's trunk and he attempted to listen attentively to his tree as she began to share all of which she had to teach.